Sunday, July 20, 2008

A fun little video...

This is a video I thought you might like to look at.
Click Here!
T.V. For Your P.C. (cool)
Click Here!
Free Advertising

E-mail me about this,

Thanks for looking.......

This is a letter to inform you of all the new and exciting things going on right now. I just want to tell you a little about things first.

One - I have signed up with a few companies to market and sell there products. My job is to market and to advertise. This is not a simple thing and I am just learning how to do this. A lot of the marketing is threw word of mouth. Therefore, what ever you can do in that department would be very helpful.

Two - The website I have is I know you already
know that but wanted to include that in this letter. Next, I will start to post a Blog once a week on how things are going for my new company. That will be posted at I know you know that too, but I am trying to get all my eggs in to one basket.

Three - If any person takes the time to look at any, buy or comment on my website then I will be able to improve on it and be making money all at the same time. So please take a few moments and look at my site and then comment on the comment page also go to the forum page and fill out the form. Remember it is just me that you are sharing any information with so you are safe.

Four - Later there will be a chance for you and maybe others to get in on this. I will explain as I learn to you and on my Blog. I want you to understand that this is just to inform not to sell. I mean the Blog page.

Five - I am going to take all of this very seriously and hope to make a lot of money doing so. My goals include freedom of the rat race in the world. Freedom for my kids to have all the things that they should or want to have. I like the idea of taking the family on long vacations. I want to be my own boss and make the rules. I want to have all the things I want (a better and larger home good running cars). I want to give Christina all things she deserves. Lastly, I want time to spend with the ones I love and the money to be able too.
The companies I have affiliated with are all very responsible and have been around for years. I hope to show them that I am able to market there products and sell for them.

Six - The website I have is going to be a one-stop-shop. For anything, people may want. The ease of going to one site and getting all you may want or need. My plan is to make this site easy to use and a fun site too.
I will be putting games in the site and pictures of cool stuff. Not sure what all that is but things are still in the idea area. I will also include links to sites for help on about any subject. Like making money online or were to find something to eat in your area. This is a big project but I believe I am up to the task.

Seven - I need all the help I can get so let people know about the site and tell them to leave there comments so I can get ideas on what people really want in a website. This is very important because if I give people what they want they will come back. That is how it is going to work repeat business and word of mouth.

Eight - I will also be advertising on Google, Yahoo, AOL, MSN, and many more. However, that will come in time. These companies do not do anything free. However, a small investment on my part will go a long way. I need more information from people before I will take this step.
Is this letter getting long? Sorry, I told you I had a lot to share. If you have any questions and I hope you do. Please ask. Also let your Mom see this and the website. She has a head for business and hope she has some impute for me I love impute. Your Mom should be able to help. You know your Mom may just want to check out this online business. It is a stay at home job that can pay very well.

So about those links I wanted to share with you. I will try to list them in a way you can use. These links will end up on my website but you are going to get them first. Check some out and let me know if they are any good or if I should toss them.
This letter is a lot longer then I had first expected and it will go on for a bit more. So about those links here they are. I tried to categorize. But it’s hard to do and this too will come with time.

Pets: - Pets: - Pets: - Pets: - Pets:
Horse Supplies - Pets:
Lecturer - Pets:
That Fish Place - Pets:
Only Natural Pet Store - Pets:
Pet Street Mall - Pets:

Griffin - Ipods: - computer sales:
Game Duell - online games: - computer sales: -furniture:
AT&T wireless - cell phones: - Electronics:
Game shark - Games:
Popcap games - games: - Games: - Games:
GameFly - Games:

Baby: - Baby:

More to come but you need to give me more time and you will see 100 times this. I already have the links but if I give them all to you right know you would just go nuts.
So please take the time to look and make a decision on what you think. Let me know it is very important.
I think that’s all I need to say at this time and hope you will try and work with me. I mean it when I say you too can get in on this just give me time and I’ll let you know how if your interested.
Bye for now and I love ya, Aaron M McKinney


Click Here!

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